Posts Tagged ‘Free’

Tungle – Online Scheduling that Works!

August 9, 2009


I had the pleasure of arranging a meeting this week with a fellow industry expert Peter van Teeseling who introduced me to the excellent services of Tungle
Tungle is not just another one of those online scheduling systems, this one actually works! The nifty online interface enables you to connect with the essential online social and business tools including Facebook and Linkedin, but the biggest advantage is that they have built native application synchronization for the main Mac & PC mail clients, and you know what….. it works exceptionally well! The web interface is well designed and intuitive for any user to use…. Yes even those who have struggled to adjust to the online world and still thumble with their Blackberries will be able to get on!

I know you say “why are you so surprised”, well, for a start, at the moment the service is free….. yes FREE!!! So given the free status of the application and the lovely personal email to the CEO Marc Gingras, I had to mail him back with some questions about how Tingle came about and how they can sustain a free business model.


Talking of free online training!

June 29, 2009

Well it’s rare, but sometimes you do find things that are just awesome…..

Here I have stumbled upon something that I think we can all take advantage of and share around the community….. well thats what it’s all about isn’t it?

So take a look at the following links and if you start the courses then please do let the community know how you found them.

Author: Gary George